By Starter656 - 24/12/2017 06:00

Today, I'm the designated driver for a Christmas party I wasn't even invited to. Not only do I get to watch people have a good time, but I'm also supposed to not get involved in the party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 393
You deserved it 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So say no... you're not obligated to drive them anywhere.

Simple solution: Drive them to the party, then leave. Turn off your phone and screw them over. They can call a cab to get home.


And you're doing it why? Grow a spine, let them deal with it themselves.

onceuponatime456 16

Grow a set and tell them all to **** off! They are NOT your friends!

Leviathene 34

This is what Taxi's and Uber are for. Especially if they aren't contributing to 1. your time 2. your fuel

ohsnapword 21

Leave. Sound like they're too cheap to call a cab.

Unless you're a chauffeur or taxi driver why would you even agree to that?

And if you are one of those, you need to get paid.

Goatstookallusernames 5

I’d drop them off in a sketchy part of down and let them figure it out on their own ... ever since I stopped letting people walk all over me, I’ve become a bit of a passive-aggressive jerk, but I’m no longer anyone’s doormat.

Are you a paid employee? if not **** them!!

ffc Squall 14

If they can't be bothered to let you in on their fun, they can find someone else.

WeirdUS 29

Sounds like it is an office party or a lift to a private party. We don’t have cabs in my area and buses go to the mall and city. I’m guessing that might be the situation.