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By Hopeless romantic - 16/08/2014 06:20 - Australia - Perth

Today, I began to sign "I love you" to my boyfriend from across the room. I ended up just poking myself in the eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 490
You deserved it 10 323

Same thing different taste

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I can picture it happened like this: • you made eye contact with eachother • you smiled at him • while smiling you slowly poked your eye • he was confused

biasedshooter 24


It's the thought that counts...maybe you could wear sunglasses next time

you had a good intentions that hopefully he'll I see as cute

I'm not sure if there's any difference in signing "I love you" in Australia but I certainly hope there is.. Because otherwise I'm not quite sure how you managed to poke yourself in the eye. Hope you're okay. FYL

I love you in sign is no where near your eye.... Why was your hand near your eye? I speak sign language. Unless it's different in Australia

World_Burner 13

Technically you don't SPEAK "Sign".

Sign languages are different around the world. That's why, in America, it's called "American Sign Language," and, in New Zealand, "New Zealand Sign Language," and, in Britain, "British Sign Language," and so on.

Correct, it's not spoken, but you get the point. Yes mine is American Sign Language.

Maybe OP wasn't talking about actual sign language. I got the impression she just made signs to signify "I love you". Like maybe she pointed to her eye for the "I" in "I love you", and that's when the eye-poking happened

how did you poke your eye, none of those signs are near your face?

It is possible to poke your eye in sign depending on how open or closed you are. She could have done the "ILY" sign and kept it too close to her face. I almost poked my eye signing father due to clumsiness. Just my personal opinion hehe.

Were you signing "Eye" (by pointing to your eye) "Love" "You" or "I" (by pointing to your chest) "Love" "You"? It is easier to just hold out your palm facing away with your thumb out, first finger up second and third finger down and pinky up.