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By Hopeless romantic - 16/08/2014 06:20 - Australia - Perth

Today, I began to sign "I love you" to my boyfriend from across the room. I ended up just poking myself in the eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 490
You deserved it 10 323

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can picture it happened like this: • you made eye contact with eachother • you smiled at him • while smiling you slowly poked your eye • he was confused

biasedshooter 24


amelitaliz 22

Out of all of the ones that go through moderation, how did THIS make the cut as a FML? "Oh no, I acted like an adorable idiot and had no real consequences!" (Obviously basing my snarky judgement on a lack of any mention of issue, like being dumped over this or going blind. Op is just fine.)

I'm sorry op love can make ya do funny things;) haha

couldve just texted him....or said it out loud. dont be afraid of ur love.

Why on earth would she text him of all things? They were in the same room, and she wanted to be cute by signing it, instead of just saying it. Actions speak louder than words.

Or she's deaf and communicates using sign language.

World_Burner 13

Doesn't necessarily need to be deaf, my girlfriend and I both know ASL and we're both hearing. Plus, if she meant Sign Language, I'd assume OP would better mention that detail.

people text all the time in the same room. class,church,being lazy. chill out sheesh.

I read "sing" and I was confused for a moment. I hope your eye gets better soon (:

BigPeter 8

The " Eye Love You" was taken way too literally.

cheshireau 26

The sign for I love you wouldn't have you poke yourself in the eye. Unless you did eye ball, heart and point.

Dillyduzit 23

Exactly what I was thinking. It's only one sign and during no part of the sign does the hand need to go anywhere near the eye.

cryssycakesx3 22

yeah that's what I thought she did - gestured, not signed..

She meant gestured, as in she was going to point to her eye, then make a heart, then point to him.