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By Hopeless romantic - 16/08/2014 06:20 - Australia - Perth

Today, I began to sign "I love you" to my boyfriend from across the room. I ended up just poking myself in the eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 490
You deserved it 10 323

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can picture it happened like this: • you made eye contact with eachother • you smiled at him • while smiling you slowly poked your eye • he was confused

biasedshooter 24


Some people can just simply communicate with a look...

BigPeter 8

Their look is so old it hurts

nitrog100 21

That's why ASL is better. There's no risk of poking yourself in the eye like there apparently is with Auslan.

I told this to my sister and she said "does that mean she's single?" *facepalm*

conman531 23

I wondered how you could accidentally do that if you're using sign language but then I realized you were basically playing charades

Coyotus 7

I don't know if clumsiness is your fault but you could've signed it further away from your face.

Surely you could have just pointed at yourself - like at your chest - to indicate "I" rather than at your actual eye...

love has its cons..poking your eye is one of them...

How long was your pen? Signing from across the room is a difficult task. No wonder you poked yourself in the eye.

You mean you pantomimed? The sign for I Love you is a simple one hand sign where the hand never nears the face.

Even if you didn't know that and tried to break it down into three signs, it'd still never come near your eye.