By Sarah - 26/03/2012 11:14 - United States

Today, I belched. In the middle of my wedding vows. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 865
You deserved it 6 576

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah. She burped because her fiancé is ugly. That makes sense.


was one of the vows to cherish and to [insert belch noise here]?

Kind of embarrassing but hopefully it'll turn into something you'll look back on ad laugh about later(:

dabomb1463 0

I least you didn't fart I guess.

He was marrying you for your bubbly personality anyways. You were just a little extra bubbly from all the excitement.

Send it to Funniest Home Videos lol! At least you'll be able to look at it and laugh, along with a good portion of the population :P

PandaSpots 10

I know this is really creepy and stalkerish but I read your profile and saw that youre a writer on wattpad. What stories did you write?

Gondile 4

Her name is GothicAngel... You sure you wanna see what she writes?

A sci fi I started called "Opression: Hope Will Die When We Do" two very different vamp stories called "Behind Those Crimson Eyes" and "Scarlet Moon Rising" and I started a fantasy called "The Scrolls of Darthmyre". Look me up if you want, my username is Panthera-Lupus :)

Just because I chose a silly username when I was going through a teenage phase doesn't mean I'm sadistic :P

BunBunBabe 8

Haha doesn't ruin the wedding at all

Doesn't matter, still got married. Seriously OP, its not that bad, easily forgotten.

Sweet! Gotta love a bride who can belt out a belch "I do" Hey, your name Fiona???

KiwiKitten 2

It'll be memorable, at least.

I have never seen so many thumbs down on one page before