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By 800z - 16/08/2011 06:44 - United Kingdom

Today, I biked 15 km to my girlfriend's house in really heavy rain to surprise her. Turns out she's on holiday in Spain, and hadn't bothered to tell me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 512
You deserved it 4 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ArmedcrackerR6 8
muchagente 5

keep on biking! the nearer you get to spain the better the weather will become. now i'm in a romantic mood for the rest of the day. sigh.


xcrunnergrl 0

Ouch, sorry /: at least you will have gotten exercise in for the day!

Rain rain go to Spain! Come again another day!

Because getting exercise for the day is the most of her worries at the moment...

In for the day?! More like for the week.

flockz 19

ya his biggest worry is how he's gonna dodge all the raindrops so he doesnt get wet.

If he still rides his bike to your house, HETOOYOUNGFORYOU.

One of the only cases where you will find the guy work so hard to impress a girl and the girl be the one not caring enough to let the boy know she's not in town. Of course, you could have at least called the house or something first...

Or asked her days in advance if she had any plans. Idk, that is just crappy.

man_in_black08 28

whasup.. Whereabouts in canada? :)

He should just be happy he didn't catch her with another guy

Of course she didn't tell you, the calling rates are ridiculous!

ArmedcrackerR6 8
SirObvious 1

The ride back is always the most fun!:)

muchagente 5

keep on biking! the nearer you get to spain the better the weather will become. now i'm in a romantic mood for the rest of the day. sigh.

cheer4ever96 8

Awww... I'm sorry. Try talking to her when she comes back, don't talk to her while she's on vacay.

That's why cell phones were invented! always call and check first and plus shouldn't you had known she was on vacation!? geeez :D

Is it just me or are you retarded? The FML clearly says he wanted to surprise her and she didn't bother telling him...SMH

xk75 4

It's kinda rude to surprise someone by showing up at their house soaking wet.

xk75 4

I find it highly romantic and the fact that he Is a guy doesn't change the fact you just don't have any sense of romance do you? So sad...

DalPozzo13 10

House party, that can be your payback


party at your girlfriends house! :D

She doesn't love you anymore! Go toilet paper her house! *twitch*

Shroomz for Baconz? I see it as in even trade. :D

Well, that is a pretty tempting offer... how do I know you can deliver?

SmittyJA24 26

That's not much of a girl-friend. The last time she gave you some was ... when??