By Rachel - 02/02/2009 22:00 - United States

Today, I bit into a cereal bar and thought the inside was oddly damp. I took a look at it and saw a maggot worm wriggling around. Its friend was in my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 260
You deserved it 3 293

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Guiseppi 0

Congrats for having the only FML that has ever made me shiver upon reading it.

holy shit was it a special k bar? cause that exact same thing happened to me i wanted to throw up but i was in a car. i saw it and was like this is oddly soft....then turned to my best friend who was also eating one and said "stop eating that right now!" she instantly knew what i meant, we looked at each other and screamed.


I've never been so disgusted by a post in my life.

ShinnamonBun 7

That made me cringe so much