By Wormy - 11/05/2009 19:45 - United States

Today, I bit into a Reese's Cup that had been sitting on my desk for a while. As I did, half of a yellow meal worm fell out and landed in front of me, the other half was in my mouth. It was wiggling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 217
You deserved it 30 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mcsnelly 5

sitting on your desk for awhile? How long a while is this? If it's like a day, FYL. If it'd been sitting out for like a month, then YDI for eating something that's been sitting out for that long.

Eternity_fml 0

What sucks more is the feeling and memory you get when you see another Reese's.


oh god. Just reading that made me gag, I would seriously barf it that happened... My sympathies. x_x

NickelPhosphate 0

Thats dirt man. Never eat anything that's not sealed (unless you just opened it) or that's been sitting out unwrapped. If it was sealed and everything and it was fresh, you can probably sue Reese's because that's just unhygienic and disgusting. It's not uncommon either, my friend told me that someone found a maggot in a Malteser. I know what it's like to eat food with worms in it. I ate a few cherries with teeny worms when I was a kid before realizing. Nastaaaay.

Lancer873 0

oh JEEZ!!! That nearly made me throw up just reading it!!! OWCH!!!

wait, was it already opened or what? Edit: i mean the candy wrapper... was it opened?

apparently there IS a wrong way to eat a reese's

mixedcalibaby 0

*barf* That is nasty, Happened to me before when I was eating fresh strawberries, I bit into one and half a green worm was wiggling inside.

well i guess there IS a wrong way to eat a reeces peanut butter cup. muahahahahaha

^^^^^, you're an idiot. And that sucks...I love Reese's and probably would have eaten it too.