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By nocatlover - 21/01/2010 21:40 - United States

Today, I woke up to the news that my son had put the cat in the dryer the night before. He didn't turn it on, and the cat is just fine, but now I need a new dryer so my clothes won't smell like cat urine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 716
You deserved it 3 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you don't need a new dryer AND a new kitty. And I would suspect the smell of burning kitty hair and flesh and death would be a little worse than cat pee. F the cat's life.

isitofficial_ 0

LOL! next time just get a lock thing-a-majig for the door of your wash room. and slap your son on the buttox several times so he doesnt do it again XD


JoeNormal 0

be glad the cats ok! animals r more important than a dryer!

you damn Americans and your dryers. in my country we wash it and leave it hanging on a rack. welcome to canada.

mokey41 0

I live in Canada and we have a dryer. We have a washer too. Come in out of the bush!

mmeow 0

I'm Canadian, so you must be really old fashioned because everyone I know uses a dryer. Sometimes in the summer I hang my clothes outside, but not all the time. Don't say welcome to Canada.. I'm pretty sure you're one of the only people who doesn't own a dryer in all of North America.

I'm from Canada and like I said in a previous post.. we're not allowed to have a clothes line in our area. And the only people I know that DON'T have a dryer live in apartments and condos and they either have to go to the laundromat or the laundry room in their buildings. Both of which have dryers.

read the first sentence only and almost screamed :)

That's absolutely ridiculous, I know plenty of people who don't own/use dryers.

loveconverse 0

I agree with #2 but believe me, I had a male un-neutered cat and he peed on furniture and everything. Plastic bags too. His name was Prince and we gave him away. I still cry about him sometimes.

just run the dryer a few times with a couple of old towels in there......maybe that will get rid of the smell......and lots of febreze!

BadPinkKitty07 0
isitofficial_ 0

LOL! next time just get a lock thing-a-majig for the door of your wash room. and slap your son on the buttox several times so he doesnt do it again XD

Yulia_fml 0

slap his butt? that's the first step towards violence towards kids. A slap becomes a hit, and before you know it, your kid's mentally scarred.

redwarrior 0

don't be a ******* retard. this site is for enjoyment, if you want to argue morals then go somewhere else

@86: Shut up, bitch. I got beat because I did stupid shit. Through those beatings, I learned how to critically think and never do that crap again if I didn't want to get hit anymore. All you stupid tricks that are screaming abuse at every attempt for a parent to discipline their child are the reason why all these kids nowadays are spoiled. I don't care what anyone says, I'll still beat my kids.

Mentally scarred?! Please! My parents used to beat me whenever I did something stupid. Didn't like it, but it taught me that there are consequences for my actions! I once read a story in the New York post about a 17-yr old girl who put a 5 week old kitten in an oven, turned it on, and then left the kitten to die. She was a prime candidate for an ass- whipping. You want more proof that kids should get beaten when they **** up? Google "Laterian Milton" and then tell me if you're against beating kids.

At least you don't need a new dryer AND a new kitty. And I would suspect the smell of burning kitty hair and flesh and death would be a little worse than cat pee. F the cat's life.

chrisbeaudoin 26

Today, one of my owners put me in the dryer and left me there all night. FML

Twi_lover_EC 6

I think I saw putty cat in the dryer! I did I did see a putty cat in the dryer!

voveraite 7

"putty tat". There, fixed it for you :P OP, getting a new drier is bad enough, but: 1. be happy kitty is still there 2. your son has issues you may want to check

pipp360 0

time to start controlling ur child...