By Anonymous - 10/09/2013 07:35 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I bought $250 worth of groceries and was feeling rather good about myself because it's the first time I've been able to do so in months. When I returned home I found my fridge/freezer broken. Most of the food I bought was dairy or frozen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 123
You deserved it 3 818

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better get to eating Op. Btw that is a ton of groceries, especially if you live by yourself

I'd scream if that happened to me. My whole day would be udderly sour, and there's a 2% chance that I'd milk it for all it's worth. I hope you were able to moove your stuff to a working refrigerator. Sit on the cowch and hope tomorrow is a butter day. Good luck.


unfortunately misery loves company and it picked you today

lolita88_fml 27

I don't see why you'd need that much worth of food unless you have a very large family. I can feed myself for a week with 20euros, my family of 5 can be fed with 60euros. I spend 20 on junk food really, they spend their 60 on healthy, proper food, that's why it seems like I spend a lot on myself. If i just bough healthy food it'd cost even less. Were you buying foie gras and venison or something?

$250... You planning on half-yearly groceries?

How in the hell did you manage to spend 250 bucks on dairy and frozen food items

Sympathies, OP. When that happened, I asked the store if they would store the food temporarily. They said OK, and that they get a call like this every week or so.

skittyskatbrat 19

Take ten bucks, get a couple styrofoam coolers and a couple pounds of dry ice for each. That'll keep everything very cold at least a day or two!

Guys, part of that food was probably meat, and nowadays meat costs a lot. $250 of groceries can be around five bags if you are buying meat, veggies/fruits, etc. Stop questioning how he spent that much on food. EDIT: I just realized I made this rant when the newest comment is 2 years old. oops.

MBrabs1996 22

Go back to the store and get ice and a cooler and store the food in the cooler until it's fixed. Problem solved.