By Anonymous - 10/09/2013 07:35 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I bought $250 worth of groceries and was feeling rather good about myself because it's the first time I've been able to do so in months. When I returned home I found my fridge/freezer broken. Most of the food I bought was dairy or frozen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 123
You deserved it 3 818

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better get to eating Op. Btw that is a ton of groceries, especially if you live by yourself

I'd scream if that happened to me. My whole day would be udderly sour, and there's a 2% chance that I'd milk it for all it's worth. I hope you were able to moove your stuff to a working refrigerator. Sit on the cowch and hope tomorrow is a butter day. Good luck.


And this is why I avoid heated arguments with my refrigerator. I'm quite happy to hear that financially you are doing better (besides having to buy a new fridge)

Damn OP, I've been there hurry and get a cooler and some ice. That should hold you off until you find a better solution.

I'd scream if that happened to me. My whole day would be udderly sour, and there's a 2% chance that I'd milk it for all it's worth. I hope you were able to moove your stuff to a working refrigerator. Sit on the cowch and hope tomorrow is a butter day. Good luck.

abbruzzi67 15

Better run out and get a cooler and some ice to hold out your frozen food until you can get it fixed

Sell the frozen stuff to your neigbours, then get your frige fixed with that money! you can allways try.. or give it to an orphanage!

hoolagirl442 7

Make a stink bomb. That's what I'd do.

There is a time and a place for these questions... That time is now, that place is google.

graceinsheepwear 33

The exact same thing happened to me last month and we were going through a heat wave. My freezer had been overstuffed and needed to be defrosted. I had to unplug everything for about a day and then restart it to get it running again