By poop_mcqueen - 30/07/2009 06:51 - United States

Today, I bought a cool new pair of sunglasses. I wore them today, and all day I kept getting comments about how much I looked like Ozzy Osbourne and John Lennon. I'm a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 418
You deserved it 13 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alex_vik 0

Don't buy Lennon/Ozzy shades and expect not to be compared to them.

brrrx 0

That's not SO bad, they had feminine hair at least. Could be worse...


xheartagram666 0

Oh, F your life for getting compared to the greatest muscian of all time (Lennon). I'd love to look like Lennon... He's amazing, y'know. I have some oval ones and I get called Lennon and Ozzy all the time, I love it. John Lennon was pretty hot, too.

That style of glasses is fashionable again? Man, my brother had a pair of those about twelve years ago lmao!

yeah lose the round sunglasses that 12-year olds thought were cool... 12 years ago. and be glad people compared you to musicians rather than telling you you look like an idiot with your crappy shades.

So, you're ugly, a lot of people are. It's okay. :3

b0rnxfam0us 0

well obviously its not like you look like either of them because they don't look like eachother at all but it's just because the sunglasses are what they wore?

So, it's ozzy... it's still freaking awesome

lol I'd take that as a total compliment. People say I look like Robert Smith (because of my hair and make-up) and I love it.

alex_vik 0

Why would anyone want to look like a freak like him? He looks worse than Ozzy.

Because he's an incredible musician and lyricist.

YES Siouxsie had a sick look. Still does, actually. Damn I wish I was around for all that :/

Beatlesndoherty 0

Awesome, Robert Smith is an amazing musician.

If they're saying you look like two legendary men (in their own right), only because you're wearing glasses that are associated with their looks... you take those compliments. If people were saying you look like them already, without glasses... well, too bad for you.

...take them off? Come on, if it bothers you, you can DO something about it!

I don't think it means you look like a boy. It's the glasses. Duh.