By meganmagee - 16/09/2013 18:47 - United States - Barnesville

Today, I bought a live lobster to have for dinner. When my four year old daughter discovered it in the cooler, she thanked me incessantly for finally getting her a pet. She now won't let "Mr. Shelly" out of her sight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 494
You deserved it 9 340

meganmagee tells us more.

meganmagee 11

After maxing out our credit card on a salt water tank, Mr. Shelly has a permanent home here with Megan, Tony, and Ansleigh Magee.

Top comments

That is adorable. It sucks...but it's adorable

"What's for dinner mommy?" *holds up knife and smiles* "Mr. Shelly."


perdix 29

You'll be eating lobster about 5 minutes after the little ****** pinches your kid. She'll probably cheer as you throw the ingrate into the boiling water.

Doesn't that set a precedent for future pets that 'nip'? Think of the future horror FMLs this will cause!

It is not uncommon for a lobster to live for more than 100 years. Lobsters have regenerative cells, meaning that if they aren't killed, injured, or catch a disease, they could live for eternity. The oldest lobster FOUND is over 2000 years old. So, have fun, with your new immortal pet OP.

You said that already. Reposting the same comment on every page to get more likes...?

66, she posted it as a response to the wrong comment before, so she made her own thread. Nothing wrong with that

Also, this isn't facebook. no 'likes' here, thankfully.

jw90 18

Go for the alternative. Hamburger Helper.

chaarloottee_fml 4

Let it bite her then Sheryl give it up

Dodge4x4Ram 46
Dodge4x4Ram 46

Hahahaha now you should definitely kill it to see her cry.

Well, what do you know! Eddie Gein has reincarnated into a woman!

She should have named him Larry the Lobster.