By picaboo - 10/08/2009 16:41 - Singapore

Today, I bought a new computer. I gave my old one to my mother. After handing it over and going home, I realised I forgot to change the background picture, a naked photo of my girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 085
You deserved it 68 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rach17 0

Idiot. You didn't notice a naked picture of your girlfriend while you were clearing all your info off your old computer. You totally deserved this. And I pity your girlfriend.

awkkwaaard...but even more awkward for ur girlfriend


Who the ****** uses a picture of a naked woman as their desktop 8ackground?

beerankin 0
day624 14

YDI.. Shouldve given the new one to your mom.. I think she deserves better than her sons old gear

I love my mother. but there's no way I would buy a new computer and give it to her... she doesn't do enough on a computer to warrant brand new computers. (maybe OP's Mom is like mine... flash games, email, limited video watching and word documents.) Granted I also wouldn't give her one of my old laptops without completely refurbishing it, wiping and re-installing everything, and making sure its running about 5x faster than she'd ever use.

TallMist 32

They bought it with their own money and gave the mother their old stuff to be nice to them. I hate people that think the mom has every right to everything their children buy.