By Anonymous - 27/09/2010 15:51 - United Kingdom

Today, I bought a new iPod to replace my old one which decided to stop working. After purchasing my new nano iPod, I decided to bang my old iPod on the desk very hard because it was useless. It started working again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 211
You deserved it 9 599

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bang your head. Maybe you'll have the same result

Just return the new one. It isn't rocket science now is it?


pirate943 0

Then sell the old one :/ Not an FML really...

wooh! Liverpool, mate! me too! :) well, you could always sell one or the other, or donate it...or return it...or keep both...? I love the new nano colours! (:

Violacatt 0

Hey, Tasanasanta, I totally get it. I'm from Russia.

So, now you have two working iPods. Be grateful! I can't afford *one* working iPod!

Reminds me of a guy I knew who bought a new hard drive & threw the old one on the floor. He smashed the wrong one

BananaTroll 0