By Dumbass - 20/06/2009 06:01 - United States

Today, I bought a new mailbox to replace the old one that was stolen. Two hours after I put the new mailbox up, the old one was back and the new one was missing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 444
You deserved it 36

Top comments

haha! thats hilarious! they probbaly preferred the new one. if i were you i'd check the neighbourhood for your new one.

Dude you either have a possessed mailbox post or an asswipe of a neighbor


misery09 0
MyLifeFaiIs 0

Lol Second funniest one on FML

annaattack 0

lol that happened to us too

dunno_me 0

Hahahaahahahaahahaha what the hell? I wish that would happen to me... o.0 Who steals a mailbox?

lolol they liked the new one better then

I think you should get a camera for the front of your house and see who's doing it.

pinkpooh123 0

Yeah i am a mailbox theif too... Bc they are valuable! 

Lmao someone is ******* with you big time. Sadly this sounds like something a few of my friends would do as a joke.