By idiot - 04/01/2013 10:13 - Sweden

Today, I bought an eye mask to help me sleep during the day, as I work night shifts. Upon waking up after my first time using it, I forgot I was wearing it and thought I had gone blind, causing me to fall out of the bed and split my head open on my bedside table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 190
You deserved it 12 961

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_Tool1 13

I know that sounds really bad, but hey at least you aren't really blind!

When I wake up blind, I generally rub my eyes before I jump out of bed all panicked. It usually solves the problem.


Ohhh you didnt happen to be The Blind Date from the other FML about the blind date ? haha JOKEZ ^_^

So... when you wake wearing a sheet, do you panic because your body is gone?

misataylor86 10

I don't understand how it's her fault for calling him out? He may have been cheating with the other girl!

Ouch, that really sucks. Hope you get better. :)

hateevryone 14

That sounds like something I would do. I'm forgetful.

KaiCer0 8

I guess I could see that happening (pun intended). o.o

The_F3rris 11

You didn't feel it on your face?

puppster391 16

Sleeping masks take a while to get used to, but they really do help :P