By NaurLalaith - 10/08/2016 16:26

Today, I bought an iPhone SE, so my mom decided to sell my old iPhone 5 on Craigslist. Since the 5 and SE look exactly the same, she ended up selling my SE instead of the 5 for $100. The buyer refuses to give it back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 029
You deserved it 2 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would possibly... look into calling the police. I'd consider it stealing. The agreement was for a 5. If they intended to pay you $100, but accidentally handed you a $1000 bill (no longer in circulation) and went on their way, then later realized their mistake and called you to try to correct it- you don't just get to keep the $1000 bill.

But the buyer agreed to the 5, not an SE.


This is gonna get down voted because FML down votes anything that isn't uplifting to the OP, even if it's logical. However it doesn't matter if the ad said it was selling a 5. The mother gave him an SE and accepted the cash he paid for the item she gave him, and asked for it back only after the exchange was done, this could've been days after the fact for all anyone knows. It's the seller's error, not the costumer, so he has every right to keep what she decided to sell him. It's not illegal and it's not stealing in any sense of the word...the cops can't do a thing about it because she consented to selling the device. It's her fault for being negligent and not knowing the difference between a 5 and an SE

You can probably take the buyer to small claims court. Based on the value of the phone it might be worth the time. Or, you know, Judge Judy.

Call your provider and have the phone blacklisted.

just get a Samsung 5 neo or higher and do yourself a favor. iphones, are just a name... Samsung is actual quality. iPhone dosent even offer water resistance yet, let alone gorilla glass that you cannot scratch ???

Say I have two paintings. One is worth $20. Another is worth $2,000,000. I sell one of them to someone for $20. It's not the buyer's fault if it later turns out, due to my failure to pay attention, I sold them the $2 Million painting instead. It's mine for not paying close enough attention. Because if I had paid attention it would never have happened. If I run a red light and kill someone that's my fault. Not the fault of the person I didn't see. If I had been paying attention I would of both seen the red light and the person. The only time keeping something worth something is illegal is if you know enough about it to verify the authenticity of it. In other words, if you expect $10 but get $10K you know enough about money to know you got more than you should. It's not someone being weird and reneging on a deal because they changed their mind. It's not someone lying. The police can't help the OP if the Buyer says he doesn't know much about phones.Plausible deniability. Some babble about stalking and privacy and tracking and weirdo seller being shady and the Buyer could expect to get off.

you even said they look the exact same and I can guarantee it not that much better than the 5. that just shows you how dumb apple customers are they will buy something they already have cause they released a "better version"