By Sam - 01/11/2009 23:10 - Canada

Today, I bought an iTunes giftcard worth $50. I tried to scratch off the little silver thing covering the code with a pair of scissors. I scratched so much that it's now unreadable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 779
You deserved it 58 934

Same thing different taste

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If you enter an incorrect code enough times it gives you the option to "get help" which lets you type in the serial number.

100lol 0

Which is why you use a coin...


why didn't you just use your fingernail? or a coin?

XP I did something similar, but with a hair chopstick instead. *fails* What? I didn't realize that would happen. I'm a n00b.

XTheDesertSongX 17

hey it happened to me once. I called them and told them the situation and they gave me a new one.

Just send iTunes a message about it and they will give you another one!!!

it says "scratch off lightly with a coin" for a reason. idiot

blink182rocks 0

penis up my butthole says what?

That happened to me once with a $25 one(and I WAS using a coin). I just went online to their help section, which led me to emailing them some information about the card, including some of the letters that were not unreadable, and then after about 24 hours they e-mailed me back with the code. So I wouldn't really consider this an FML because there are ways to fix the problem. Also next time, don't use scissors.

yeah this really isn't an fml, but for like ten seconds she had to be like "fffffffuuuuuuuuu!~"

hornetchik 0

Also I'm 19 and I don't have, or want, a credit card. I guess a debit card would be handy, but just haven't got round to getting one. Its not like its a huge effort to grab an iTunes gift card from the rack by the counter at a shop, and like the other people said, I know how much Ive got to spend, so I CAN'T go over, that is, unless I go and buy another one.

But why the hell BUY the card? don't you know everything is free?