By Anonymous - 25/03/2009 04:48 - Canada

Today, I bought body chocolate to use in bed with my boyfriend in the hopes of spicing things up. Everything was going great, until I tasted it. It was disgusting and actually made me gag a little. Later, my boyfriend checked the label and started laughing. It had expired 3 years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 678
You deserved it 81 342

Same thing different taste

Top comments

braFTW 0

1. Complain to the store. 2. That ice cream thing works as well.

#2 - crappy store stocking. Shelf stockers are supposed to rotate items, putting the oldest in front but constantly checking for expiration dates. If a stocker puts the newest in front and not all items are bought, it's really easy for an item to sit indefinitely. And, if the stocker is lazy and doesn't make sure the things he's rotating (or leaving in the back) haven't expired - well, things get pretty nasty. - - - I'm a former grocery store worker. I've seen expiration dates that are ... surprising....


kelseysue92 0

Now if I find my sex life getting dull I'll know to check the label on the body chocolate! --- Great life lesson, thanks!

hahaha! check EVERYTHING in your house, RIGHT NOW.

Never buy any food without checking all labels!!! Serves u right, but that doesnt mean u souldnt complain about the shop where u bought it

whats the difference between body chocolate and regular chocolate? couldn't you just go to the supermarket for this sort of thing?

ALWAYS check expiration dates before buying/using ANYTHING

kwbuzz23wk 0

regurlar chocholate works fine... trust me, and so does whipped cream

hmm, #17 i've never thought about that. what DOES distinguish body chocolate from everything else?

i think whip cream would have been healtier and less likely to be out of date