By Anonymous - 25/03/2009 04:48 - Canada

Today, I bought body chocolate to use in bed with my boyfriend in the hopes of spicing things up. Everything was going great, until I tasted it. It was disgusting and actually made me gag a little. Later, my boyfriend checked the label and started laughing. It had expired 3 years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 678
You deserved it 81 342

Same thing different taste

Top comments

braFTW 0

1. Complain to the store. 2. That ice cream thing works as well.

#2 - crappy store stocking. Shelf stockers are supposed to rotate items, putting the oldest in front but constantly checking for expiration dates. If a stocker puts the newest in front and not all items are bought, it's really easy for an item to sit indefinitely. And, if the stocker is lazy and doesn't make sure the things he's rotating (or leaving in the back) haven't expired - well, things get pretty nasty. - - - I'm a former grocery store worker. I've seen expiration dates that are ... surprising....


at least your boyfriend laughed. im guessing it was a friendly laugh. he coulda been like what **** you idiot. but always ALWAYS check the expiration date anything edible you buy. I always do. and ive never ended up in sticky situation like that.

alex_vik 0

I hope you had fun washing the sheets, pillows, and blankets.

don't use regular melted chocolate if your man has any kind of body hair people!!!

how would whip cream (pure sugar) be healthier than chocolate?

Body chocolate? Lawl. Kinky. And I agree. Whipped cream would be an easier alternative.

umm 25 whiped cream isn't sugar its cream

CrazyIvanVI 0

How is this an FML? It isn't at all. That's like saying I went to the store and bout some expired milk. FML. No, it's not an FML. And FML would be if you put it on him, started to go to town, and gagged and threw up all over him. And why the hell would you want chocolate with sex? What's wrong with the normal flavor of things?

uhnonnuhmus 0

I would totally go with whipped cream or something like maple syrup or honey. Three years beyond the expiration date? I worked at a drugstore for a year. We had candy that should've been tossed out before the War in Iraq (six years ago) this one time. The health inspector heard about it and made the store do another round of inventory. Unfortunately, the lady who was in charge of stocking and rotating candy wasn't very good at doing that, but she's still there. It's why I don't buy food at my old store. On the bright side, I did learn how to check expiration dates on candy bars (there are codes you look at). In any event, this is actually kind of funny, even though you could've checked the expiration date before using it.

twindaddy 0

Why is everyone saying she deserved this? How is it her fault that the store doesn't check the dates on stuff like that? That's their job.