By Anonymous - 10/05/2009 18:37 - United States

Today, I bought my mom a gift certificate for a spa treatment for two so we could spend some quality time together. She took my sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 464
You deserved it 3 757

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch. Next time she gets you something, use it with your dad then!

Why didn't you just take your mom to the spa? Giving her a gift certificate for two practically begs her to take someone else.


That sucks. But you DID get a gift certificate for it. Unless you specified, how should she have known? Well she should have...common sense, but people are severely lacking in that department sometimes.

Really? How is this a FML? its her gift she can do with it as she pleases

And that is why you should never buy stuff for people.

your life isn't f***ed, your mom is!

JaxFrost 0

Ah, that is terrible. You can't choose your family. How insensitive of her!

Ouch........that, she's a bitch.......

Ryu148 0

Next mother's day...give a gift to your aunt (on your mother's side).

rakhil11 7

i would say it looked like u were begging...which u obviously

How is that begging, #65? All she wanted to spend time with her mother. That's a bitch move.