By honeybadger123 - 14/11/2011 01:11 - United States

Today, I bought weed for the first time. The dealer was an undercover cop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 409
You deserved it 86 252

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DJEZON_fml 0

Drugs are bad, Em-Kay( in best Mr. Mackey impression)

I am Dutch, so for me it's legal to buy weed.. Loving Amsterdam hahah

soccerchicx9x 5

Lol @ all the people freaking out and saying drugs are bad. Weed is going to be illegal but cigarettes aren't? You can get cancer and a whole lot of other health problems from cigs but weed doesn't do anything. Also, same with alcohol. Liver cancer, etc. Why is it legal to get drunk but not high??

Weed has too many health benefits. And in case everyone hasn't noticed, we Americans prefer to consume vein-clogging, liver-poisoning, body-killing carcinogens. They taste great on toast ;)

brianalexandria 2

#22 if you are going to call someone RETARDED at least spell it right. you look just as stupid as the op.