By Anonymous - 24/01/2010 19:29 - United States

Today, I broke my dominant hand. My teacher insists we hand-write our essays. I called and asked if it was okay for me to type up the essays. She said no. I have two essays due tomorrow, which count for half my grade. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 373
You deserved it 3 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You guys are dumb as ****. If he called his teacher, do you really think he would leave out the "I broke my hand, which is why I'm asking"?

zombzomb 0

should've done the work earlier


As a TEACHER, I have two suggestions. Either of these should work, UNLESS you were supposed to have already written the papers before you broke your hand, in which case, you're just F-ed. 1. Type the essays. When you hand them in, bring a NOTE from your parents stating that they HOPE he/she will accept the papers for full credit given your inability to use your hand, ALONG WITH some sort of paperwork from the doctor. Do not skip ANY of those steps - include doctor, parent, and paper, and make sure they are in by the paper's due date. Then, wait. Either the teacher will accommodate you by allowing the typed paper to stand for the handwritten one, or not. If, in the end, the teacher takes off ANY credit for the papers not being handwritten, GO TO THE PRINCIPAL, along with your parents, and ask how to file a grievance against your teacher for not accommodating your injury after both parent and doctor letters. The principal will then force the teacher to change the grade. 2. Type the paper. Have it ready for class. In the morning, BEFORE you have that class, have your parents call the principal expressing their concern that your teacher is not accommodating your injury, even though you called her and explained the situation. Have them also note that you have typed the paper and have brought it to class hoping the teacher will accept the paper. The principal will call the teacher and tell them to accept the paper. Period. PS: Nightgod has it terribly, terribly wrong here. There is NOTHING wrong with requiring that students handwrite papers. Indeed, I do it all the time, because a) the STATE requires that students handwrite their state tests, and students who are not used to handwriting score much more poorly on that portion of those exams, and b) statistically, students who type are 25% LESS likely to catch errors, because type "looks" formal, and over 50% more likely to move things around instead of actually learning to edit and rethink ideas, the end result of which is poorer thinking and less learning. Sorry, Nightgod. Retarded is as retarded does.

tb15 0

Usually its the opposite in my school where teachers make us type our essays. Would it be against the rules to dictate? If not you could do that.

Write completely illegibly. If she complains or gives you bad marks, take it up with the administration.

I doubt your teacher is that unreasonable

Huh, that's kinda weird. In my college (my secondary school too), all the graded coursework has to be typed and not stapled or it won't be accepted.

Izuation 0

Lol. According to your situation, the teacher is not allowed to do that. If you are incapable of doing the work by hand then you should damn well type it, and if she doesn't accept it you can ask the admins or principals. You have a broken hand and she expects you to write two essays by hand? Bull crap.

bubuchi3 0

11, 13: how is that plagiarism? Just wondering

caribbeansoul 0

it's technically not 'his/her' work because someone else wrote it...the technicality of this issue triples every year, i swear. it could be misinterpreted. >.

Not sure what you mean - I certainly didn't recommend that someone else write it. I recommended ensuring that the OP covered all bases regarding parents and doctor note, that he/she TYPE the essay, and that he/she involve the principal, either before or after. Instead, I note that my earlier message has been returned - see #14. perhaps someone "moderated" the wrong one by accident?

boatkicker 4

The site's been glitchy tonight. A lot fo comments keep disappearing. They usually reappear after a few hours.

GiRIsMakingCupca 0
Twi_lover_EC 6

I knew a person in my class who broke there dominant hand and had to write out what they had to do and my teacher told them to write with there other hand. I saw there paper it looked like shit. So,FYL.

stella23 0

Their, there, and they're are all different words with different meanings. Learn them.