By kierstin - 19/10/2009 15:54 - United States

Today, I broke up with my boyfriend because he has anger issues. Tonight, my tires were slashed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 507
You deserved it 6 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You don't break up with someone because they have anger issue,s you break up with them if they refuse to do something about it (therapy etc). Its not like he chose to have a problem. DO you think its crazy fun to be angry?

Well at least he has remained consistent.


Stormmetal1 0

FYL because your tires got slashed YDI for automatically assuming that he did it

at least you know you were right. if you would've went any further in the relationship he probably would've slashed ya throat.

AnaMaree 0

Guys with anger issues are hot.

jemma_aussie 0

i can remind myself to not get a boyfriend with anger problems now :P

tls15068 0

I'm pretty sure, i would go slash his tires .. and smash his windows (:

Sunshine83_fml 0

I broke up with my boyfriend because he had anger problems & he robbed my house.

My friend's mom had a similar situation only her ex put sugar in her gas tank

ydi becuz i have 2 of theese on this pg.