By kierstin - 19/10/2009 15:54 - United States

Today, I broke up with my boyfriend because he has anger issues. Tonight, my tires were slashed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 507
You deserved it 6 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You don't break up with someone because they have anger issue,s you break up with them if they refuse to do something about it (therapy etc). Its not like he chose to have a problem. DO you think its crazy fun to be angry?

Well at least he has remained consistent.


Wow pretty scary! I agree with both #16 & 17. Get the police involved and aware of the possibility that things could get worse and that your safety is at risk. Don't go out anywhere alone in the meantime in case, he may to try to hurt you.

Why did you go out with him in the 1st place?

Sun_Kissed18 25

Guess not :/ She sould have though... I mean she KNOWs he has anger issues, why would she just expect him to be all calm and mature?

He's probably angry because he lives in ******* Nevada. You might have to go to a different state to find a guy who doesn't have "anger issues".

aaabc597 0

i think u live down the street from me, either thats u or people really hate those them too. :/

You made the right call breaking up with him. Imagine if you'd done it later what he would've slashed instead?

YDI for not putting two and two together. No anger control + being dumped by a bitch = Really pissed ex. Do the math next time.

sanem0808238036 0

Now HOW dumb can you be? If you knew he had anger management issues you would have known that he would not just go "Alright baby, i understand why you broke up with me." and then walk away. I dont know what kind of weird shit hes got going on or he could have done, but honey, him slashing your tires was the best option you could have gotten.

Well, what other option was there? Just to stay with a guy who gets really angry really easily and could be potentially harmful? She didn't have a huge amount of choice, did she? It wasn't stupid of her. But you're right, she should have expected it.