By kierstin - 19/10/2009 15:54 - United States

Today, I broke up with my boyfriend because he has anger issues. Tonight, my tires were slashed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 507
You deserved it 6 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You don't break up with someone because they have anger issue,s you break up with them if they refuse to do something about it (therapy etc). Its not like he chose to have a problem. DO you think its crazy fun to be angry?

Well at least he has remained consistent.


sanem0808238036 0

Oh and i agree with amatuer_ninja (:

MiseryMan 0

OP was dating Wolverine! She's practically a celebrity now!

linzilady 0

Wow. That's a little bit scary. But at least it was just your tires. And how can she deserve it for breaking up with him? Why would anyone stay in a relationship with a guy who would do that? It doesn't matter if she knew he had anger issues before they started dating, once you're in a relationship like that, you should be able to get out if you want to.

Shoot to kill. Otherwise it's your word against his, and he obviously has problems...

Be prepared for some stalking. Well, a lot of stalking to be exact. What happened to cause him to snap before you broke up with him? Sounds like he finally dropped the fake facade and showed his true colors. Breaking up with him didn't help matters.

at least you know you made the right choice :]