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By anonymous - 23/11/2010 09:32

Today, I broke up with my girlfriend of a year because I discovered she had been cheating on me. Her defense was, "It wouldn't be a problem if you were just OK with this." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 948
You deserved it 3 117

Same thing different taste

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Djaypee, I don't know if you've ever been married, but monogamy is NOT overrated (as Steff said). I am not faithful to my wife out of tradition, I'm faithful because I love and respect her. I have women hitting on me all the time; I'm not bragging, just stating a fact (nurses tend to hit on doctors a lot). But I don't give any of them the time of day because I love my wife, not because of some tradition. If more men and women were respectful of their mates, adultery wouldn't be as much of a problem. I realize that's obvious and trite, but it bears repeating.


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monkeyshorts22 4

how could you be ok with that?? fyl. :(

monkeyshorts22 4

obviously she'd be ok if you did it too. ;)

This sounds like she's giving you a free pass to cheat OP.

iSitt 0

this is a blank check to cheat on her. How often do you get a chance to be in an open relationship ? But use condoms.

WHAT R U WAITING FOR?! Go f*ck everything that moves!

VinegarStrokes 0

So everyone that's saying "this is a free pass to cheat" has obviously never been in a real relationship before... It's not as fun as you think it may be. Also, it's definitely not enjoyable to be cheated ON by someone you'd like to maintain a stable relationship with. With that said- **** as many women as you can while dating your girl, free pass!!!!

Monogamy is NOT over rated. Do you know how many couples still remain monogamous? That should tell you something, right there. Cheating on her because she cheated on him is not the idea. Just dump the slutty ***** and live the single life, screwing everything in your path.

Actually, monogamy is overrated. The amount of people who are monogamous only tells me that people like traditions very much. The amount of people who cheat tells me that not everybody is made to live monogamous. And hey, there is nothing wrong with polygamy as long as all the partners want it. And that's where it went wrong here. Oh, and please don't forget that many posters were joking.

Says the girl with pink hair....the emo look...

GabiIsPrettyKewl 0

did she seriously tell u that ???

it wouldnt be such a problem if she wasnt a ****.

Djaypee, I don't know if you've ever been married, but monogamy is NOT overrated (as Steff said). I am not faithful to my wife out of tradition, I'm faithful because I love and respect her. I have women hitting on me all the time; I'm not bragging, just stating a fact (nurses tend to hit on doctors a lot). But I don't give any of them the time of day because I love my wife, not because of some tradition. If more men and women were respectful of their mates, adultery wouldn't be as much of a problem. I realize that's obvious and trite, but it bears repeating.

Docbastard, you miss a very valid point in my text. I said: "there is nothing wrong with polygamy as long as all the partners want it.", and this is the most important part of my post. I'm 18, never married, but I live monogamous and I will always live monogamous, because monogamy works for me. So, there is nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with monogamy as long as all the partners want it AND there is nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with polygamy as long as all the partners want it. Monogamy is the standard. I don't think that people who come out as living in a polygamous relationship will be easily accepted, and I think we must get rid of that thought. That was my point of 'monogamy is overrated', we should accept polygamy as a kind of relationship that can be good-working for some couples, and not as a crime. (oh, and people who live polygamous also love and respect their partners)

DJeePee, whilst that is indeed a valid point, there are also people out there, of either gender, that want a polygamous, monogamous relationship. In other words, they want to go out and **** whomever they choose, but their partner has to remain faithful....

Oh, but they are hypocrites who wants to much. Happily for them, there are people outside who sacrifices themselves and want nothing in life. Masters and slaves. As long as they're happy together... I wouldn't be. With good reason.

56- most civilisations, even modern, are polygamous.

so let me see if I understand you @51, first you say that people saying to go **** another girl have never been in a real relationship and it's not as fun as it seems, but then at the end of your comment you say to go **** every girl possible??? you completly contradicted yourself....

95 - If you were referring to my contradictory comment, it's because the latter half was said in jest. Edit: I realize the guy above me said something similar. Just caught that. Sorry.

that's female logic for ya. Can you believe we allow them to vote? tell her to get her ass back in the kitchen and make you a sandwich

says the one with a tat under her eye. what are you going to do when that turns into a prune looking wrinkled blob ?

wow didn't even try to respond to her point did you?

Reyo 2

Indeed. It wouldn't be a problem if you liked an open relationship, or polygamy, but noooooo, you really wanted a normal, monogamous relationship. How odd of you.

I'm fine with it but every girl I've met wasn't! Where is this girl?

Yeah, if one of my 40 wives aren't in the mood, I just find another! 20 in the kitchen, 20 in the bedroom(: Polygamy FTW!

Not only would that cut down on overpopulation it would make natural selection a lot more finite. With less people in the world there would be less pollution. The children of those families would have a hard time becoming orphans and so on!

DudeImBetter 0

wow overpopulation and global warming are both bs.

sourgirl101 28

Sean, 40 wives and you're still a virgin? Tsk tsk!

Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're waiting for the honeymoon(;

DudeImBetter 0
letsgododgers213 0

oh em gee really? I thought BS stood for Butt Sex!! -__-

Wait you believe in pollution but not global warming?

boatkicker 4

I feel like there's a HUGE difference between cheating, and having an open relationship or being polygamous. In an open relationship, you are aware that your partner is with other people. In a polygamous one, you know who your partner's other partners are. Neither of these are cheating, because you're all aware of it. What OPs girlfriend did was not okay, and wouldn't be okay even if OP was interested in having an open or polygamous relationship. Lying and hiding things from him is bad.

are you high? if everyone starts ******* everyone and cheating on everyone.. pregnancies would sky rocket.. as would the amount of poor abandoned orphans and sti

65 you made me lol... 34.... you are an absolute tool, go get an education buddy

Go to the regular website. If you're on a phone or iPod, use your browser (like Safari) and make sure you're signed in on the "classic" version of the site, not the mobile one. Then hit the "Your messages" link on the far right of the page. It works like email after that.

She is technically right. Of course she's a moron to expect it.

I come to this site for the entertaining stories, I stay for the pleasant, well thought out and civil conversations in the comment sections.

I'm glad I'm not the only one, trickster. :-)

lol wow I hate people like that, what a bitch.

I know at least one or two people like this. Some unfortunate souls can never learn from their mistakes because they're so afraid of being wrong that they learn nothing when they ARE wrong!

DaveOnDope 4

Act okay with it. Try to get her to loan you as much cash as possible then get her to give you a BJ and make sure it goes into her hair, and any jewelry she has on Then tell the bitch to get walking. (Some call me vindictive, I just say fair is fair.) Extra bonus if she loaned you so much she can't get a taxi.

it's like you've invented REVENGE the board game. now the whole family can get involved. there are no winners in the game, but the first player to suffer a nervous breakdown is the ultimate loser.

...and then you take your hand and wipe it off. It's sperm, not paint.

lol wow what kinda excuse is that? obviously if she thought you'd be ok with it she should have asked