By ddll - 05/09/2011 01:27 - Singapore

Today, I broke up with my girlfriend. She responded by sitting on the floor, crying like a baby and screaming "WHY?" at strangers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 319
You deserved it 12 329

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FreshPairOfNikes 0

Sometimes I like to roll up in a ball under my bed and act like a carrot.


Dude, all the people who said you deserved it are jerks, I love how no one stops to wonder WHY you broke up with her.

swagstervik 0

Wow I bet that was embarassing :(

lDobinho 1

at least you know she's accepted the break up, now you just need to explain 'why' :-P

sentinel_233 0

Sometimes I feel like someones watching me than I realize I'm looking in the mirror

shouldnt have done it in public... and told her WHYYYYY

Nanaki_fml 0

This FML was made on my birthday

kitsune3 20

Don't startle the Witch. (tell me if anybody gets the reference)