By Anonymous - 25/06/2009 22:24 - United States

Today, I brought a friend who I have loved for years out to a nice restaurant for dinner. I ordered an expensive bottle of wine, and poured each of us a glass. As I was about to tell her I loved her, she raised her glass for a toast and said "A toast to friendship!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 821
You deserved it 7 839

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She probably knows you like her and doesn't like you back. So, instead of being a bitch and rejecting you, she kept you as a friend. It definitely could have been worse, buddy.

bexox 0

I love how every one bitches about rejection. What is someone supposed to do if they're not attracted to you? Say yes and pity date you? Get into a relationship so you dont get your feelings hurt and inevitably treat you like shit? Yeah it sucks, but I hate peoples' attitude about it.


Sounds like she was anticipating what you had to say lol

Did you still tell her? She might wanted to toast to friendship even though she wanted more. You - in fact - did not find out how she felt about you. She obviously enjoys your friendship and you only assumed she did not want more, just like a lot of other people here.

Larco_fml 3

She sounds like a smart girl who knows what she wants. Sorry for your pain, OP, but you just have to accept it and move on. It's either that or try to change whatever it is about yourself that keeps her from seeing you as boyfriend material.

A moment of silence for our brother in the friendzone

she saw you coming and headed you off. which is actually nice of her. saved you the embarrassment of sharing feelings she doesnt share back.

I think she was doing you a favor. she probably knew where you were headed and wanted to save you the embarrassment.

randybryant799 20

Oh for heavens sake. What were you expecting??