By Mr_poole - 18/05/2013 20:06 - United States - Castle Rock

Today, I brought my girlfriend home for the first time. I was really excited to introduce her to my parents, until we found my mother waving around a wooden sword, and my father trying to shove my sister into the dryer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 878
You deserved it 5 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wlddog 14

Well you see... First the house was attacked by pirates. Thankfully the mom managed to get her hands on the family wooden sword and defend their dwelling. But then they found out there was actually a spy in the house and it was a clone of the sister. Of course everyone knows that clones can only be defeated by getting put in the dryer, so dad was defeating the evil clone while mom defended against any future pirate attacks. It was a good thing Op brought his girlfriend to his house for safety, because who knows which house the pirates would attack next!

Jelbeztok 17

sounds like you have a very interesting family. what was their reason for this?


UnluckyGenius 21

Should have said "Welcome to Jurassic Park."

Your family actually sounds really fun. I would like to meet a family like that.

What's wrong with that? Sounds like a typical day at my house. We play around like that all the time.

I can't tell if this is an FYL or a YDI based on the incomplete information. If this is how they roll every day then YDI for bringing her there. If they're putting on a special show for her, then FYL. Actually, not really. It shows they've got a sense of humor if it's staged. I wish the parents of girls I dated had a sense of humor. Can't even make a single Rohypnol joke in front of most of them without them losing their shit.

While I agree with you, date rape drug joke when you're dating their daughter? Quite understandable they wouldn't appreciate it.

Oh. Most importantly... Did she fit in the dryer?

And the Colorado rocky mountain high I seen mama slaying imaginary guys I know daddy be a poorer man if he didn't watch sister dry Rocky mountain high

If I saw that I would've laughed.