That weird family down the street

By aaaaaaaand I’m single - 24/07/2021 11:00 - United States

Today, I brought my new girlfriend home. My overprotective sister got into her face and started the whole, "if you hurt him, I’ll kick your ass" speech. My girlfriend responded by whooping my sister’s ass up and down our driveway. It took both me and my mom to pull her off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 350
You deserved it 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's tough. Guessing by your profile name, that drew that last straw for your new girlfriend. I recommend talking to your overprotective sister to quit the act if the ass whupping didn't curtail her overprotective behavior. It's messing up your dating life. Or maybe simply keep your future girlfriends away from her ass (mostly for her own safety). Hope the scrap was entertaining at least.

your sister deserved it. the gf is a keeper.


That's tough. Guessing by your profile name, that drew that last straw for your new girlfriend. I recommend talking to your overprotective sister to quit the act if the ass whupping didn't curtail her overprotective behavior. It's messing up your dating life. Or maybe simply keep your future girlfriends away from her ass (mostly for her own safety). Hope the scrap was entertaining at least.

Good thing your sister took the ass-kicking that could have been unleashed on you. You ought to give your sister a nice gift so she can back up her tough talk, like martial arts classes or a gun.

your sister deserved it. the gf is a keeper.

no she isn,t, the (going by the username) ex-girlfriend is certainly not a keeper. was op's sister talking shit she shouldn't have ? yes, she most certainly did. but if you think beating someone up for that kind of remark is fine than try it and than ask a judge about it. it shows severe anger issues and a lack of self restrained, it might aswell have been the op that got the beating half a year down the relationship for some minor reason.

bobsanction 18

Sounds like your sister got what was coming to her. Don't write checks your ass can't cash.