By lolzor - 12/03/2009 12:07 - Australia

Today, I called a priest "lame". He responded jokingly with "God will smite you!" I laughed and walked out the door. I tripped and broke my ankle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 490
You deserved it 106 087

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alex_vik 0

You deserved that for calling a priest lame.

HopelesslyHpfl 0

you don't mess with God's followers Haha


I don't even believe in god and I think god did that. lol

skierguy 0

I don't see how she deserved that. It was a humurous coincidence but nothing more. There is no God, no fate, no karma influencing the goings on in the world around us and the sooner the world realizes it, the better.

This kind of coincidence make believers believe... I cant understand how ppl are into ideas of god, satan, hell, heaven, karma, incarnations, faith, etc. Ppl just cant accept the fact that we are just animals and only purpose of life is to breed and survive as long as you can. Deal with it or not.. ,

MickandNick 0

You tripped cause you are clumsy. Not because of God.

jackiness 0

lmfao, i totally wish i was there... :]