By lolzor - 12/03/2009 12:07 - Australia

Today, I called a priest "lame". He responded jokingly with "God will smite you!" I laughed and walked out the door. I tripped and broke my ankle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 490
You deserved it 106 087

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alex_vik 0

You deserved that for calling a priest lame.

HopelesslyHpfl 0

you don't mess with God's followers Haha


alwaysalady 0
lolololcheese 0

maybe its the placebo effect!

xsanctuary 0

LOLLL! that is hilarious I say karma, don't bitch at me Karma = bitch lol

cantth1nk0fnam3 3

Haha i wish i had the power to make people trip.

Actually, 34 is wrong about hinduism and karma! First of all, there is one god in hinduism, 3 major gods combine to make one. The rest are just dieties. Second of all, karma isn't the idea that "if you do good, good will come to you; if you do bad, bad will come to you." It's the idea that if you are if you are good and follow religion in this life, then when you are reencarnated in the next life, you will be reencarnated as a higher cast, if not an animal if you've been really bad. Man i feel like a douche for writing so much but just thought I'd correct you!