By kdeeeceee - 05/11/2011 07:25 - United States

By kdeeeceee - 05/11/2011 07:25 - United States
By Anonymous - 11/03/2013 21:52 - United States - Lake Dallas
By smart phone mms - 07/12/2009 06:36 - United States
By kb - 10/01/2015 14:35 - Canada - Toronto
By denise - 23/11/2009 05:07 - United States
By MisterSeth - 17/06/2009 01:44 - United States
By eeelise5296 - 01/03/2012 20:39 - United States
By jodibut - 06/02/2012 16:18 - United States
By sisco2901 - 22/01/2012 09:12 - Slovakia
By Anonymous - 10/01/2011 20:55 - United States
By - 29/07/2010 18:28 - United States
I pray for your sake that you haven't added your parents or prudish uncles or aunties on Facebook.
Andddd.... Untag.
Don't you see? This was her plan! She's breaking up with you.
Wow bitches be crazy
Post the picture she sent to you..
I'm pretty sure a picture of a guy in a thong is a bit more humiliating than one of a girl in boxers.
I think posting her pic on facebook would be even funnier
girls can be sexy in anything guys, just no...
I'm surprised no dump her posts yet but if the FML was vice versa everyone would say dumb him coz he's cruel and insensitive
OP's girlfriend is hilarious.
What's your name I gotta see that! ;p
*sings* Iii'm too sexy for your thong, too sexy for you thong, what the hell is wrong?
Everything, everything is wrong.
What 108 said. I'm all for feminism, but if you want equality, be prepared to be treated like a man.
Haha, I just love the way OP worded this FML it actually made me giggle :$
Keyman1212 Why can't we all be treated like woman :p
Hey there
You r a complete idiot YDI
No, rodonz94, she is not. She's an asshole that needs to be dumped. I'm sure you would sing a different tune if it was him posting a pic of her in underwear without her permission.
1 You kinda look like a 40-year-old crazy cat lady who found her way into a party and had abit of alcohol. Your profile on the other hand says you are 18, I don't know about that though.
Just comment on the picture and say wow u let yourself go. Make her some cookies with exlax cookies fix everything :D
Oh, to be young and to feel love's keen sting.
Everybody above me in this thread is threadjacking smh -__-
82- is it really necessary to quote Harry potter movies.
137. If there is one thing you must know about me, it's that I can relate life itself to a Harry potter movie lol
Let me see that thong thong thong thong thong.
What's so bad about wearing her thong?
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayIt is to sexy, what's sexy about it is that he is secure enough with his sexuality & with his manhood enough to do something like that. Security in who you are is pretty sexy to me
What's wrong with that? I'm not gonna argue sim antics with anyone especially someone who is gonna show their true level of intelligence the way you have
While I'm not into the thong thing, I have to agree that there is something pretty damn sexy about not giving a shit about social standards, and letting go of your inhibitions. Besides, no matter how many dresses you wear, your penis won't fall off, and you're not going to magically grow a ******.
Think about it.... Your reply basically said flat out that you are anti gay, that's pretty stupid if you ask me which I know you didn't but I really don't care about waiting on invitations for my opinion
I'm actually not anti gay. I'm Anti blurring the gender lines. I think that there is a movement of womb who are ani-masculinity however you spell it. It's just like the lady trying to raise her male child like a female or the lady trying to get her male child into girl scouts. But thank for reading anything you want to into my posts. What's that, your previous post said you basically hate all mainstream males. See I can read between the lines too.
I'm not homophobic! Actually, I've fought for their rights many times. But you should be sure about your sexual orientation! If my boyfriend (who has to be straight cuz I'm straight too!) wears a dress, it's a real turn off for me. But if my gay friend thinks it's cute to wear a dress, I'd absolutely be OK with it.
24 - Clothing is just clothing there's nothing INTRINSICALLY feminine or masculine about clothing ONLY what we've been raised to believe. Women who wore pants back in the 30's were considered CROSSDRESSERS and now there's nothing MORE normal so do try and open your mind just a little.
I don't like you.
Thank you leadman, that's exactly our point. Also, raising a male child like a female is light years away from a man confident enough to put on a woman's piece of clothing for fun. These gender lines of which you speak are mostly made up by the society that we grow up into, which is why people are experimenting on their kids. That's another issue, since it could seriously screw them up. That's because some aspects of character and behavior are biological and influenced by male hormones, and if its biological, simply dressing a man as a woman or trying to "demasculanize" him isn't gonna do squat to change his biology. There's just so much fail in your logic that I'm rambling so I hope this made sense to those with a brain.
Again I say THANK YOU!!!!!!!
I agree with shrooms & leadman wholeheartedly & that's all I'm gonna say regarding that.....
39- newsflash, gender isn't black and white, it's not binary. There are a myriad of hormones, genetics, physiology, and any amount and composition of those determinants that go beyond physical identification of gender. It's not being PC, it's a fact of life. Besides, sporting a thong as a joke and not worrying about what it means to be who you are or define you in any way is legit.
I'm not saying dressing a male child in a dress or having him join the girl scouts is a good idea. Gender identity needs to be decided by the individual.
Wow that was the most boring FML thread I've ever read.
Man thongs are sexy whats wrong with u
People secure in their sexuality are sexy.
I hate people like the 1st replier who constantly reply to their comments. Get a life freaky one
I'm guessing OP has passion in his pants and he's ain't afraid to show it....... can only date people with the same sexuality as yourself? If you're straight then your partner can't be bi or pansexual?
@41 Why does it matter what anyone is wearing? It's a piece of clothing. I'm sure the male children with barely any clothing in under developed countries would LOVE a dress, just to have something to cover them. And yet, here you are, saying that a straight male shouldn't wear a dress. I see you have short hair, typically found on a male. If, in your eyes a male can't wear a dress, you shouldn't have short hair. Double standards against males are one of the main reasons feminists get such a bad rep. Next time, consider what you're saying, because you're being nothing but hypocritical and you seem lacking in intelligence
Neither is her wearing his boxers....
Well you gotta agree, it is funnier. On the other hand, it's pretty mean. Putting it on Facebook is not the same as just showing it to her friends. On there, it's for the whole world to see and possess if they wish to download it.
Seems like too many people have forgotten the importance of privacy.
I think im in love with you SHROOMSonACID. Tattoos, intelligence, looks, and drug interest. Hopefully you listen to good music and your my dream girl. And yea about the post, thats embarrassing especially if you have family on the shit. I would just be like that bitch photoshopped a naked picture of me. It doesnt really matter though unless your young and live somewhere your gonna get beat up for it. Op shouldnt care though he already has a girlfriend nothing to prove.
Yeah, I agree with you, Shrooms. I don't see how people say he deserved it. She's just a bitchy girlfriend.
It's easy to look that way on the internet 136, but trust me - I'm a loony. I agree with you about him technically not having anything to worry about. However, sometimes even our closest friends don't share a certain view or belief with us, so we have to opt out of disclosing some information, for the sake of the relationship. It's often the case that people who are narrow minded about a topic aren't worth fighting with and ruining a friendship over. Besides, he could have coworkers and other professional contacts added on his Facebook. In my opinion that's all useless bullshit to worry about so it's easier to just not have a Facebook. Not only have people forgotten about their privacy, but the new generations have never known full privacy at all. That is the truly scary part.
That was the wrong thong to do.
Yes. Maybe. I don't know.. You're not the boss of me now, you're not the boss of m.. Oh, sorry.. Didn't see you guys there.
Haha, win
It should be: Yes, maybe, I don't know, can you repeat the question... You're not the boss of me now :}
and so do you. and me too I guess... /:
Claim it's photoshop
Word lol
How about returning the favor?
The girl looks hot in boxers.. The guy looks ridiculous in a thong..
Then retaliate by putting her pic on fb lol
Then she apparently can't take a dose of her own medicine & doesn't have a sense of humor. If ya can't take it then don't dish it out. I'm sry that she dumped you, you deserve better anyway....
Orr.. Other dudes might find it extremely sexy causing (hopefully unwanted) attention from some of her male friends.
'Other dudes might find it extremely sexy causing (hopefully unwanted) attention from some of her male friends.' So? It's her own fault. She sent sexy pictures of herself, probably thinking her boyfriend would keep those private, and when she get 'sexy' pictures of her boyfriend, she puts them on the internet. Really, I'm surprised that no one here has called her a bitch already. How incredible rude slash disrespectful slash immature is it to post that kind of pictures of your partner on Facebook? OP has definitely reason enough to rethink about this relationship or to get a sweet revenge (although it's childish to post her sexy picture on Facebook, but still, it would be sweet).
Paul, seriously, you think I'm gonna even remotely entertain the idea of listening to you? HA, get a life & you might be able to boss your bf or gf around like that but not me honey
First of all, chill mmkay? You don't need to call her a bitch, it's unnecessary and looks bad on your part (for insulting someone you don't even know). Secondly, my girlfriend has sent me loads of sexy pictures, I wouldn't upload those to Facebook and parade them around. Granted that revenge is a dish best served cold, I think it would be immature if OP retaliated. Be the bigger person.
'First of all, chill mmkay? You don't need to call her a bitch, it's unnecessary and looks bad on your part (for insulting someone you don't even know). ' Thanks for the advice, mister Sensitive, but she is a bitch, m'kay? A partner (gender doesn't matter) who secretly set pictures of their (once) beloved one on the internet/show them to friends and relatives is ******-up in the head and astonishing cruel. I think I know enough about OP's girlfriend to say she's a bitch and he should dump her, or atleast be very very very mad and have a serious conversation with her.
Arulo is an annoying fat turd
Lmao pwned
I feel rather sad to have to say this: According to this site, it's actually typical of some females to think it's great to "triumph" ( and how sad is it, that relationships to people like you is a war where one wins and one looses) over men, no matter how much of an mean asshole they are doing it. But the only thing that matters is that the men are not the one in power, isn't it? People like you disgust me.
Lmao, I'm sorry OP.