By baddaughter - 16/11/2009 17:11 - Canada

Today, I called my mother who is vacationing in Florida with my dad and sister. Before they left I told them I would be very responsible and that they could trust me. The first thing she asked me is if all the animals were still alive. I said yes. I lied. Her favourite cat drowned in the pool. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 225
You deserved it 41 644

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cats can swim, how could this happen? They hate water, the only way I can see this happening is if the cat had a stroke, got hit in the head and passed out or if someone held it down. I hope it's the first one or you have some type of fruit or nut tree near the pool and something happened there, otherwise I'd be absolutely disgusted with you.


lotusflower007 0

At least you lied, so she can enjoy her vacation. How the hell did the cat drown?

I gotta agree. Her cat's dead either way, at least her vacation isn't ruined.

Cats do whatever they want, humans (much as they try) really have no control over what they do. if you tell a cat to do something, I guarantee he/she either: a) is humoring you while planning your demise, or b) wanted to do that before you said anything. Unless you were the one holding the cat underwater or you let someone else do it, a cat drowning is not your fault. Cats hate water anyway.

hornetchik 0

Arghh why did my comment end up down here?

sayheyyybabe 0

That's awful. I have two cats myself and if my cat drowned in the pool while you were watching them, I would personally come to your house in the middle of the night, find your most prized things, and smash them into little tiny pieces. A cat is a living thing, a companion, not just a pet. You just killed your mom's companion. YDI Also, to the person who said you can't control cats, you could have kept it inside or not let it near the pool.

I really hope you weren't watching it drown .. if you did and didn't do anything to help you're a piece of shit, if not it's not your fault it was probably an accident and it panicked and drowned

Baroness542 6

Guys, guys. Come on now. OP obviously didn't drown the cat. The cat was just suicidal. That's all. OP, QUICK! Go to the shelter and adopt another cat! If you can't find one that looks similar to the dead one, just pick a random cat. Then, if your mom asks why her formerly orange cat is now white, politely ask her if she remembered to take her pills that morning. Simple as that ;)