By baddaughter - 16/11/2009 17:11 - Canada

Today, I called my mother who is vacationing in Florida with my dad and sister. Before they left I told them I would be very responsible and that they could trust me. The first thing she asked me is if all the animals were still alive. I said yes. I lied. Her favourite cat drowned in the pool. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 225
You deserved it 41 644

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cats can swim, how could this happen? They hate water, the only way I can see this happening is if the cat had a stroke, got hit in the head and passed out or if someone held it down. I hope it's the first one or you have some type of fruit or nut tree near the pool and something happened there, otherwise I'd be absolutely disgusted with you.


"I haven't see Muffy since yesterday; I wonder where she could be?"

asshole -_- even if you didnt kill it, why the heck would you lie to your mom about it? it's going to hurt her even more when she finds out. :l

What the ****? Why did you let the cat die? ******* asshole.

I think the real FML is how the mom treats OP. It's as if she called to check up on OP and the first thing she asks is if the house hasn't exploded or something.

actress5698 1

my cat was sucidal,she ran under my car. :(

blairvic 23

You're all friggin retarded. Canada isn't that ******* cold! Jeez, it's warm in the summer. I, you, fu-- YOU'VE GOT ME FLUSTERED!!!! >:/<

Omg what's ur problem man!!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?! That was a living breathing animal and u don't know what that poor cat suffered. OP U R A F******* idiot!!!!

I am going to slap the shit out of the next dumbass American who says "you spelled favorite wrong! YDI!" Way to be ignorant. P.S. This is not directed at all Americans, just the ones who have obviously never left their houses.