By brokeass - 13/06/2012 12:29 - United States

Today, I called the landlord about the mouse I keep seeing in my kitchen. He wasted no time accusing me of keeping it as a pet, and went off on me about his "no pets" policy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 224
You deserved it 1 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you kill it and throw it at the windshield of his car.

Landlords just don't listen these days.


Obviuosly this is just a big misunderstanding. Cook a nice meal and invite the landlord over to watch the movie Ratatouille. Then you can calmly explain to him that rodents have no place in the kitchen.

Mate, obviously you don't get the meaning of my joke. If it bothers you that much, then OP can watch the movie Willard with the landlord, but it won't have the same effect with the nice meal and all.

No, he should cook a "nice meal" for the landlord using the mouse

Let the mouse be and let him multiply, then lead your new army to his office and take over the apartments. Problem solved, have a nice day.

There's one mouse. How could he possibly multiply by himself?

73 - Well you see, the mouse is secretly a mad scientist with a lab located just behind the refrigerator. He has mastered how to clone oneself and will soon begin the invasion.

Was it driving a little red car and did it sound like Micheal J. Fox? I'm guessing that this landlord will say anything to deny his responsibility to his tenants.

aleeshttylXD 9
SchlomoTheGrinch 18

Judging by the two comments above me, I believe FML is being infiltrated by those 15 & under. Good Lord, we're doomed to poor grammar, anagrams and unnecessary replies on posts.

You know, you could just put a fee mouse traps and poison. in you kitchen and catch it yourself. Seeing as you can have no other pets you won't have to worry about them getting hurt and if you have kids just keep it out of where they can reach. Then all you need to do is wait for the traps and poison to work and then you can take the pleasure of leaving it on your landlord's doorstep with a little note saying that he fails at his job!

And blame him for killing your "pet" because last time he didn't approve of it

inkedav 8

FYL dude.. He-man that motherfu%#er with a baseball bat..!

Jessj958 19

You could call an exterminator company, tell them your situation and that your landlord gets the bill! It is his responsibility to take care of these things and if he won't do anything about it, you can. Many states have specific laws about what landlords are supposed to do, maybe you should see what is acceptable in your state. :)

Chandler1Bing 0

If you have Jerry, where's Tom?