By Kilika - 08/06/2009 00:17 - United States

Today, I came home and found my desk devoid of all paper. Turned out my mom dropped by and wanted to surprise me by cleaning up my work area. She threw away over 7 months worth of irreplaceable original sketches, notes and storylines, thinking they were worthless. My job is a full-time artist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 530
You deserved it 3 835

Same thing different taste

Top comments

girlnamedkris 0

Oh my god. That's rough... Is your mom actually delusional though? Possibly mentally challenged? Did she throw away your drawings as a child? Jesus. You definitely did not deserve this one. Condolences...

tonia_fml 0

daaaaaaamn. i'm really sorry. you never throw away an artists' papers


Damn! - I am sorry to you My mum did this to me once and I am a semi-professional writer. It broke my heart to lose that much for quite a while after.

Essentials 0

That's why you move out and get your own house.


rustyrox 0

Time to go dumpster diving!! :)

@ #22 The fact that the OP said his mom "dropped by" seems to imply that he does, in fact, live apart from her.

bumblez 0

Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry.

@ #7 It's pretty common for parents to have keys to their kids' places (and vice versa). You know, for emergencies and things. I'm guessing you don't have your own place judging by your comment.

Leptailurus 0

My mom used to do that to me, too. Doodles and sketches on crappy printer paper (never waste the good stuff for scribbles) would get tossed, but they were concept art for projects I had gotten hired onto! Then I moved 3,000 miles away and this hasn't been a problem since. I'm so sorry for you. FYL for sure. :(

My mom would do the same thing with my homework assignments for college to "make it clean enough for me to do my homework."

lyndis_fml 0

All parents are controlling assholes, there's no other reason to create a creature you can legally control for 18 years. Why would you give her a key when you can finally be rid of her for good?

urbwzrd 0

She doesn't your know your job? :| But yeah, moms! who knows the way they think! :))

cxal_fml 0

I've had similar happen - nothing so severe though. But like I had papers I had no use for in a pile, and I had my study guides in with my notes, only to find my study and guides were thrown away and my junk papers were saved by someone who had no business touching either