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By theyreallydosmell - 04/02/2011 00:59

Today, I came home from a vacation. It had snowed, so I decided to shovel the front walk. While shoveling, I found a dead skunk frozen solid on the sidewalk. I tried to pick it up with my shovel, but it stuck. It won't move 'til the ice melts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 666
You deserved it 3 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have you considered taking action to melt or break the ice yourself? Seriously, this is not a difficult problem to solve, so you deserve it for every minute it remains out there.


Have you considered taking action to melt or break the ice yourself? Seriously, this is not a difficult problem to solve, so you deserve it for every minute it remains out there.

What makes you so sure it's dead? ;)

News story 2 days from now: "It all started when he took a blowtorch to a frozen skunk stuck to the sidewalk..." Yeah. That would end well.

According to OP's name thing, I'd assume they do.

"did it smell bad" Oh, I don't know, did it? It's a dead skunk frozen to the sidewalk DECOMPOSING. I'm sure it definitely smelled like Bath and Body Works' body wash.

if it's frozen it won't be decomposing yet, same as food doesn't spoil when it's frozen...

It's still exposed to the elements, so it's going to, even if it does it slowly.

MerrikBarbarian 9

actually no, things that die in freezing temps will not decompose. this is useful when you do taxidermy and lack freezer space :p

Don't they make rock salt that you can use to melt ice/snow?

MyMuffinsAreDead 0

it could be too cold for rock salt to work

Still a good idea to try n eventually it will work!?!

mr_miyagi 0

Poor skunk. Leave it frozen then thousands of years later, the skunk can be in the future.

hey at least it won't squirt when it's frozen!

IHeartJimi02 0

Buy something to help melt the ice.

Try to pick it up without breaking the ice. Drive to your high school nemesis's house and throw it through their window, yelling "what now bitch?". Then flee!

get an ice scraper dude, its got a long wooden/or fiberglass handle with a big metal blade on the end of it. scrape that stinky bitch off your driveway!