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By Disgusted - 04/02/2011 02:14 - United States

Today, I learned that my house's fly infestation is worse than I thought. I now have maggots crawling and dropping from my ceiling. I have to sleep under them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 256
You deserved it 10 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Step one: Head to your local outdoor shop. Step two: Buy a sleeping bag. Nothing fancy, it's just for a couple nights. Step three: Sleep ANYWHERE else in your house. Step four: Schedule a ******* exterminator, man!

heyidcstfu 0

how the heck do you get that in the first place? clean homes usually don't develop those kinds of infestations. I would have to say ydi giving the info.


soheartlessxo 1
knockknock_fml 0

and they feed upon? time to reevaluate your hygiene standards?

AsianCookie247 14

ugh. I just threw up a little reading this.

heyidcstfu 0

how the heck do you get that in the first place? clean homes usually don't develop those kinds of infestations. I would have to say ydi giving the info.

krazy_glu3 0

agree. there has to be a reason for all the flies... although we did have a LOT (20 maybe) of flies suddenly show up in our mud room at the window.. we never go in there so idk how they got there... it was a few months after we moved in.. but never saw maggots.. but how do you get so many that they are falling from the ceiling??

Maybe rotting ray carcasses in the attic?

- rat. I can't believe my phone doesn't recognize rat as a word.

I hate the spell check on my iPod touch, even though it spell checked half of this sentence

Step one: Head to your local outdoor shop. Step two: Buy a sleeping bag. Nothing fancy, it's just for a couple nights. Step three: Sleep ANYWHERE else in your house. Step four: Schedule a ******* exterminator, man!

rockyraccoon28 8

I was going to suggest a tent.

missmadii 0

this made me literally lol :P but instead if sleeping at his house he should sleep at a friend's house or something

If your home was clean you wouldn't have ninjas trying to slit your throat.

chelle_starlight 0

I hope you sleep with your mouth closed, op...

SooShee 0

Ewww... I read that just as I was eating a chicken chunk. Thanks for the visual.

IHeartJimi02 0

How did your house get this bad? Do you not clean?

Seriously. A fly "infestation" doesn't just come out of nothing.