By WhyTheFNot - 20/06/2009 18:06 - United States

Today, I came home from work and had to pee so badly that I ran to the bathroom and ripped my pants down. My touch screen phone dropped from my pocket and started calling my boyfriend. Since I couldn't quite reach the phone, I left a message of me peeing on his cell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 472
You deserved it 9 331

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WOOOOOW... just claim it accidentally called him when you were doing the dishes

Phoenix_GAD 0

fail. lol i have a touch screen too. it calls random people.


at least it didn't fall into the toilet :)

liveyourlife_191 8

At least you didn't video call him from Skype O_o

Today, I checked my phone. I found out a had a voicemail from my girlfriend. Smiling, I opened it. At first, there was nothing. Then, I heard a tinkling sound. I think my girlfriend just sent me a text of her peeing on her phone. Who the hell have I been dating for all these years.... FML

austinnicole 3

You know you can delete the message?

You should have pressed # to clear the voicemail.

maybe he is into that....nah didn't think so...

It will let you record your message all you had to do was delete it.