By Anonymous - 20/06/2009 19:08 - United States
Top comments
Pretty sure you can't send photos to Pizza Hut...
Ever heard of text to landline?
why would you have pizza huts number? its so easy to memorize! 310 1010
Who says this happened on a phone? I thought they were exchanging pictures via e-mail.
I ordered food on the Internet before. Or maybe he or she knows someone who works at Pizza Hut. Or applied for a job there ... The possibilities are countless. ;-)
Ah but if it was a friend why e-mail the store and not the personal address? Even in the job application scenario, contacts generally have to be set-up and saved, leading us to wonder why save pizza hut as a contact? Although I suppose the person might order online alot. Point conceded.
the nuber of piza hut were i live in is 557-PIZA(7492)
lol thanks for the laugh dude
Over used.
srsly. These are dumb, how can you possibly "accidentally" send it to all of your contacts? I don't see how it's possible. Maybe it's just my phone, but whatever.
I have to wonder, cause every single time I send a message, there is no "SEND TO EVERYONE" button. In fact most have a limit to how many people you can send to.
I don't understand why we allow these people to live. People who are born with it I can understand, it's not really their fault but we help them anyway despite the fact they'd be dead on their own. But these retards? Society sucks.
My phone has a "Mark All" option which can easily be mistaken for "Mark" when choosing who you will send it to, especially in the heat of the moment.
yeah my phone has the "all" button at the top. i can see that easily happening
pizza hut in Singapore is 6222 6111
omg you can't send to all contacts on your phone?!
rofl. you made me giggle
Unless Pizza Hut has its own cell phone it probably wont get the picture
Thanks goodness for that huh?
haha if your lucky pizza hut will send you a saucy pic back;-)
free pizza for a year!
hahahahahaha saucy pic lololol
haha, they better send him a free pizza!
How is that a bright side?
hahahahahahahahahahahahaa. on the bright side maybe your ex will take you back.
Who keeps pizza hut on there contact? FUNNY HAHAHA LOL
or you could just learn the number. or you could just not give a shit when someone bugs you about something.
Hey this is really random but what is &? Email me at and tell me what
& = Ampersand = "and"
what does yugoslavia have to do with this??

you made my night LOL
Bet Pizza hut enjoyed that.