By WhyTheFNot - 20/06/2009 18:06 - United States

Today, I came home from work and had to pee so badly that I ran to the bathroom and ripped my pants down. My touch screen phone dropped from my pocket and started calling my boyfriend. Since I couldn't quite reach the phone, I left a message of me peeing on his cell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 472
You deserved it 9 331

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WOOOOOW... just claim it accidentally called him when you were doing the dishes

Phoenix_GAD 0

fail. lol i have a touch screen too. it calls random people.


press the # button at the end then you can delete it

That last sentance is awsome by itself!

hahahaha I know what you meant to say and all but shouldnt it be "i left a message on his cell of me peeing"

ohh at first when I read this I thought u said that your phone FELL in the toilet, this is much less worse

Lawl, I would have started talking really loud... YDI least he probably couldn't tell the noise was you peeing. Or if he could hear running liquids, he could just think it was the sink or something. At least your phone didn't go INTO the toilet :)

hoff90 0

fake.... what phone (touch screen or not) would select a contact or speed dial, AND select the call button with a simple fall to the ground? Especially since you need to open or unlock (password for some too) any phone before you can do anything. Also, since your a woman and sitting on the toilet, you really couldn't reach onto the ground to pick it up? I doubt it would've rolled far, or at all for that matter. If you were a man i would see this being a problem since its hard to reach for something on the ground and pee at the same time.

ilovejustin4ever 0

she could have been accidently pressing buttons while it was in her pocket.... and unless she wonted to get pee on the seat she wouldnt have been able to reach it coz it could have slid across the floor a bit before stopping.....

JustinKingr 0

this made me laugh for almost 2 minutes

JustinBieberIsOK 0