By melas303 - 30/12/2012 00:22 - United States

Today, I came home to find a pregnancy test in my trashcan. I live alone with my boyfriend and I'm not pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 881
You deserved it 2 831

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alexhaz64 4

Congratulations, your boyfriend's a seahorse!

Maybe his secret boyfriend forgot to pull out.


I'd say just ask him about it. Honesty is important.

33 comments in and only one idiot has said "dump him." Could it be that the FML Community is actually maturing?

I've been here since 2009, and yes, it is! :)

I've been here since around 08/09 as well. It's like seeing your kids grow up - a thing of beauty I tell you.

ShadowlessSpear 21

It's 2014, and no, it hasn't.

possible bright side: maybe he's just a lovable dumbass who thought it would somehow be fun to pee on a pregnancy test. it could happen!

Well... Was it positive, cos then you have a much bigger problem

get him to doctor. he might have serious health problems! 'cause if a male pees on pregnancy test and it turns positive, it is pretty sure that he's got testicular cancer. good new are that this type of cancer is easy to cure, so he'll live. probably with one ball.

And if it's not his, I'm pretty sure he'll be living with no balls. I hope you're right, for OPs sake.


Congratulations ! Your boy friend will give birth in 9 month

Sounds like your boyfriend has a boyfriend. And this boyfriend "breeded" him. So now he might be pregnant.