By Anonymous - 08/10/2010 16:33 - United States
Same thing different taste
By HannaMD - 26/01/2015 15:21 - Canada
By Anonymous - 22/11/2014 15:34 - United States - Waterville
By GeesLouisee - 01/05/2018 15:00
Spay and neuter, people!
By Anonymous - 21/10/2019 18:00
By maggotsinmycarpet - 12/07/2010 20:56 - United States
Smelly cat, smelly cat…
By Kas - 25/11/2020 11:02
Follow the yellow brown road
By cat_lady - 05/04/2020 17:00
By Noname - 12/03/2009 22:08 - United States
By Stupidhuman - 13/04/2017 13:02 - United States - Sparta
By Danielle - 09/04/2011 23:00 - United States
Top comments
Oh >.< That's horrid. Poor cat! Did you not take her to the vets recently? They could surely have done a scan to see if the kittens were ok ( which we now know they weren't ).
You look great in your pic, congrats!
1, who the **** takes their pregnant cat to the vet. you know it's pregnant, and she knows how to do it herself.
81- they're saying poor cat bc the kittens all died.
jk btw dont do it
so what he was supposed to stay home 24/7 just invade she started to have them? he probably was at work or something... animal lover or not it's definitely not his fault
* incase not invade. iPod changed it...
That would be because "incase" is not a word.
humans should be the same way but for some reason women don't trust their bodies to do what nature intended.
They don't leave stillborns in various rooms of a house then wipe the blood on a carpet?
I think it's a bit late for that advice.
200- you try and give birth naturally without pain medication.
as surprising as it may sound some people actually want to breed their pets! besides if you neutered them all the species would go extinct
121 ARE YOU RETARDED. EVERY SINGLE DAY WE PUT DOWN THOUSANDS OF CATS. why? cuz idiots like you want your cats to have babies! idiot! cats are so overpopulated we have to kill off thousands off cats (and dogs). we say NUETER your cat so we don't have to f$&@ing kill them when they are left on the streets. my god, idiots! those shelters you pick up a cat or dog from, you know the place? that's the last chance they have. if no one takes them after awhile they will kill it. educate yourself god I hate people like you.
talk about reading wrong... i said if you neuter ALL cats it would go extinct... don't take comments so seriously... Going on your way of arguing we should start neutering people since we have lots of those in care too... you want to go first?
148, you are a moron. We will never reach a point where they go extinct. To use that as a counterargument is like saying women shouldn't take the pill because humans will go extinct. Moron.
agree with 132 and 153
153, do you know what spaying and neutering are? They're surgeries that prevent the animals from having babies. #148 was saying that If EVERY cat were to be spayed/neutered, there would be no babies. No babies = no more cats, no more cats = extinction. Pay attention.
that was food dye not bleach
soooo hes dumb because he didnt spay "being that its obviously a female, you should think befor you call someone dumb" his cat that he may have wanted to get pregnant?? nice i didnt neuter my dog so he could have puppys does that make me dumb?? idk
*****her cat
It makes you an asshole. Thousands of pets die every day in shelters. Also, did you know there are other forms of capitalization besides question marks? And there's this new thing called "capitalization."
capitalisation is putting a CAPITAL LETTER at the start of a sentence or name, I believe you're thinking of punctuation. if you're going to be a tool and try and rip someone apart online for their grammar, don't get it wrong. :(
that was food dye not bleach
sad day....he's dead
Yeah he's dead (Billy Mays) and that's sad, but he was awesome. I don't know about anybody else, but his voice always pumped me the hell up: "Hi, Billy Mays here with Oxy Clean!!!". The guy made me wanna dominate people with my voice. #1: "What the hell, you just hit me!" #2: "I'm here with my fist, and I want you to shut the hell up!" Great announcer that guy :) . Probably the greatest TV commercial person ever. Way better than those losers from the Magic Bullet commercial. The woman looked like a spokeswoman for Botox or something. Anyway I'll stop rambling now.
billy maze dude its spelled billy MAZE, i dont want to live on this planet anymore.
oh crap i have no clue maybe it is spelled billy mays not bill maze be back in ten got to check the interwebs
He never came back.
You could start selling little Italian flags. You know, with the red, the white and the green.
:( Nooo!!! Peridx has failed.
perdix NEVER fails. you just missed the humor in it.
should have pulled a bob barker, and remebered to control the pet population by spaying, and neutering your pets.
haaa... except he used hedge clippers.
#125: Robot Chicken ftw!
It's a lot of money to get a cat spayed / neutered. Maybe he/she didn't have the cash to fix their cat.
If you can't afford the costs of a cat, then you probably shouldn't have one either.
Time to spend less time taking pics of your stank ass face and get hooked on phonics so you can read better
mojojojo just pulled out his hefty ballsack and shroom stomped someone. :P and mintcar srsly, how can you miss STILLBORN i reckon you dont have a wide vocabulary
Coming from someone without a picture. It's always galling when the ones without pictures insults the looks of others. I clearly didn't read the FML correctly. If I needed Hooked on Phonics, I'm pretty sure my reading comprehension would be far worse than this, no? Not that any of your comments bother me. Good job trying to abhorrent though. You sound oh so tough.
what part of stillborn did you not get?
yeah. dead ones. I hear they're fun to play with.
Oh and by the way, I'm not coming back on this post. It's old and i don't have to keep defending myself. Also, I have to go pick up a thesaurus so I absorb many more of my "super big words" that I use to sound oh so " smart." Have fun having a lovely conversation with yourself. Hope it goes well.
It's ok we all know you are not the brightest crayon in the box and we forgive you for that. However, pretending you "smart" is just sad. Eventually you were going to be called out for it. Karma really is a bitch :-)
They were stillborn! That means they were born already DEAD!!!!! Don't be so damn IGNORANT
You are one dumb person,apparently you Don't know what still born means,Look on google!
Poor kitties ): I feel so bad for the momma kitty and the baby kittens. O and I don't give a damn about your carpet, ydi for not using the proper cleaning solution!!

Oh >.< That's horrid. Poor cat! Did you not take her to the vets recently? They could surely have done a scan to see if the kittens were ok ( which we now know they weren't ).
You could start selling little Italian flags. You know, with the red, the white and the green.