By Anonymous - 08/10/2010 16:33 - United States

Today, I came home to find that my pregnant cat had given birth to a stillborn kitten in practically every room of the house. She had then rubbed her butt around the house, leaving bloody stains everywhere. When I tried to clean the white carpet, the bleach turned it green. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 848
You deserved it 5 996

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fishfanatic 7

Oh >.< That's horrid. Poor cat! Did you not take her to the vets recently? They could surely have done a scan to see if the kittens were ok ( which we now know they weren't ).

perdix 29

You could start selling little Italian flags. You know, with the red, the white and the green.


wwerulez14 6

It's ok Grinch... If I gave you this catnip and some fishies would you feel better?

Awh MissGrinch its ok. I won't mess with you this time bc this really is sad.

MissGrinch 4

Yum, catnip and fishes. I feel better! And thank you, EffinAHole.

YDI for not fixing your cat. Don't you know that millions are killed every year because there aren't enough homes for them? Thanks for adding to the deaths.

OP didn't add to the deaths, idiot. The kittens were stillborn. And you never know, they could have been planning on keeping the kittens anyways.

OP's actions resulted in 4 dead kittens. Therefore, the death toll went up by 4. If those 4 had lived, assume 2 females, so in 6 months that's 3 females capable of reproducing. Say each has 4 kittens and suddenly there are 17 cats! If someone wants kittens so badly, the local shelters are full of them. Not to mention they're much cheaper too.

How is OP responsible for the stillborns?

for not getting the cat spayed in the first place.

cryssycakesx3 22

shelter kittens are cheaper than your cat having a litter? makes sense. OP at least you didn't walk in on her eating them.

i guess you shouldent buy a cat because it will die and eventually bring up the death count you monster

Castrate your cats for god's sake... YDI

Castration applies only to males of a species. Since this cat was pregnant, let's assume it was a female cat. In that case, "sterilization" is the word to use.

The term is spayed. OP's cat is female. That's why it can give birth. We weren't talking about seahorses here. :/

Well, duh, #25. My point exactly (i.e. as to why the term castration is incorrect).

#35 that comment was to #17. Yours didn't show up until after I'd sent my comment.

If ALL the kittens were stillborn, you must have been doing something wrong. Either get your cat spayed or learn how to take care of a pregnant animal. YDI

Well, at least it's now green and it no longer looks like you dragged a bloody body across your carpet. There's always a positive!

That is literally one of the most horrible things I've read on FML... isn't there a rule against posting particularly messed up stories?

You deserve this if you did not eat them for dinner.