By chewybarseventy - 24/08/2010 06:17 - United States

Today, I came home to see my husband talking to his penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 498
You deserved it 11 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Xavi89 0

well you should be happy he was talking to his penis. that means his penis isn't dead, which would suck for you .

"Would suck for you" ha ha or she would suck for it.

I don't really see how this F's your life...

what is the conversation about?.... lol

Claybomb94 0

The hell? DID THE PENIS TALK BACK??? if so, this would mean that we are making contact with another sentient life form... ALIEN SUPER SPERM!!! lol :D

Your boyfriend isn't the only guy that does that. OP, if that's the worst he does...Then I wouldn't worry about it.

I was shacking hands with my b/f's penis and it spit at me,now I know the secret,I have to speak to it.

Today, I came home to see my husband's penis talking to him. FML