By Anonymous - 01/05/2017 20:42

Today, I came home to yet another kitten. My girlfriend swore to me this would never happen again. When I reminded her of her promise, she told me the kitten will be staying, and she wants me to move out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 907
You deserved it 1 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you give her an ultimatum such as 'either I go or the kitten goes'? If so, that's where you went wrong.

pharm121 21

I say when you move out take the kitten with you.


pharm121 21

I say when you move out take the kitten with you.

Well, now we know your girlfriend can't keep her promises and puts kittens before you. Not a good sign, if you ask me.

Did you give her an ultimatum such as 'either I go or the kitten goes'? If so, that's where you went wrong.

neuronerd 28

I mean, my boyfriend loves cats more than he loves me, so I'd say I feel your pain, but I kind of feel the same way about cats as he does...

LostInTheZone11 29

In a few years she will turn into the Crazy Cat Lady from The Simpsons.

I guess that is one way to break up

Dodge the bullet and get out trust me it will be better for you in the long run

I can just imagine the conversation that led to her having to promise it would never happen again. Gf: "Honey, I bought another kitten. This one's named Fluffy." OP: "You need to stop buying kittens every time you go to PetSmart. We already have five." Gf: "Fine... I won't buy any more kittens. I promise."

gary8082 14

Sorry you got dumped for some pussy!