Save me!

By Zorah - 31/08/2023 04:00 - United States - Fort Lauderdale

Today, I went to the beach with friends. While splashing around in the ocean and waving to my friends who were sitting on the sand, I got caught in a strong current and had to be rescued by a lifeguard. They gave me a wristband that said, "Needs Adult Supervision". FML
I agree, your life sucks 546
You deserved it 318

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When something is truthfully labeled, it's hard to see the FML. You obviously think too highly of your swimming skills.


When something is truthfully labeled, it's hard to see the FML. You obviously think too highly of your swimming skills.

If you're an adult and you need adult supervision, does it mean you need an adulter adult? An adult who's better at adulting? Frankly, they should have other kind of wristbands, like "Learning to swim" and "This is not like my swimming pool at home!" instead of shaming adults who see the ocean for the first time.